(GI-19/2) Educational processes and technology (EduProTech)

Coordinators of the Group:

Members of the Research Group:


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), digital competence, attitudes towards ICT, educational measurement, e-learning

Short description of the group and objectives:

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are playing a central role in the changes that are currently taking place in the information and communication society. These changes affect all areas of society: political, economic, social and others. Education is a fundamental pillar in this scenario, because the profile of students and teachers is no longer the same as that of a decade ago, partly due to the use of learning management systems (LMS) and also due to the applications that have been extended as teaching resources. However, the educational use of ICT has not only occurred in distance learning contexts, where the LMS are the technological axis that supports them, but also as support systems for teaching in those educational contexts that are carried out in person, and at all educational levels, from early childhood education to university.

It is for this reason that the research group ProEduTec has as a general objective to focus on the study of the competences, attitudes and needs of teachers and students in relation to the incorporation of ICT in all educational levels. To achieve this goal, we set out the following secondary objectives.

  1. To know the competences, attitudes and training needs of the educational community, at different educational levels, for the integration of ICT in teaching-learning processes and methodologies
  2. To know the influence of the use, by the educational community, of different resources based on ICT on learning, motivation and emotion, school life and climate, prevention of abandonment and evaluation systems.
  3. Develop or adapt instruments for assessing digital competence, attitudes towards technology and training needs with respect to technology, educational contexts.

Investigation lines:

  • Skills, attitudes and needs of teachers and students regarding ICT.
  • Analysis and prevention of Academic Dishonesty.
  • Development and adaptation of instruments for the assesment of competences, attitudes and needs of teachers and students.
  • ICT to improve classroom and school processes: methods of teaching, learning, motivation, emotion, school life, climate and participation of the educational community.
  • Strategies for the Prevention of Academic Dishonesty (AD).


  • Ordóñez, X. G. y Romero, S. J. (2021). Percepción hacia la deshonestidad académica: propiedades psicométricas de un instrumento de medida para estudiantes universitarios [Perception towards academic dishonesty: psychometric properties of a measure instrument for university students], Eticanet, 21(1) 10.30827/eticanet.v21i1.16162
  • Romero Martínez, S. y Ordóñez Camacho, X. (2020). Analysis of the psychometric properties of the Epistemological Questionnaire-Beliefs Inventory (EQEBI) in Spanish University Students. Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação (RIIE),15(3), 1051-1071. 10.21723/riaee.v15i3.12553.
  • Romero Martínez, S. J., Ordóñez Camacho, X., Guillén Gámez, F. y Bravo Agapito, J. (2020). Attitudes towards technology among distance education students: Validation of an explanatory model Online Learning, 24(2), 59-75. 10.24059/olj.v24i2.2028
  • Romero Martínez, S. J., Guillén Gámez, F., Ordóñez Camacho, X., Mayorga Fernández, M.J. (2020). Desarrollo y estructura factorial de un instrumento de actitud hacia el uso de la tecnología para la enseñanza y la investigación en docentes universitarios. Tecnología, ciencia y educación, 15, 5-47. https://www.tecnologia-ciencia-educacion.com/index.php/TCE/article/view/443
  • Guillén Gámez, F; Romero Martínez, S.J, Ordóñez Camacho, X. (2020). Diagnosis of the attitudes towards ICT of education students according to gender and educational modality, Apertura, 12(1), 1-14. 10.32870/Ap.v12n1.1786
  • García Barrera, A., Romero Martínez, S.J, y González Elices, P. (2017). Comparación del uso de las redes sociales por parte de los docentes en distintas etapas educativas. Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Redes Sociales. Evora: Universidad de Evora. ISBN: 978-989-99782-3-2. https://dspace.uevora.pt/rdpc/handle/10174/22571
  • Romero Martínez, S., Ordóñez Camacho, X. y Granizo González, L.. (2017). Invarianza factorial y validación de un modelo MIMIC de las Creencias Epistemológicas en estudiantes españoles. Actas del 5th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development. Santander: Universidad de Granada. https://www.congresoeducacion.es/edu_web5/DOC/LIBROACTAS2017.pdf

Research projects:

Project's name: Ampliación y aplicación del material PREDA y sus efectos en la Deshonestidad Académica y sus actitudes
IP: Xavier G. Ordóñez Camacho
Number of researchers: 17
Announcement: IA: Proyecto de innovación docente competitivo a nivel de la Universidad Complutense de MadridNNOV
Endowment: 750 euros
Start-end date: 01 septiembre de 2021 a 31 de agosto de 2022