GI-21/2 Comprehensive Strategic Public Procurement

Coordinator of the Group:

Members of the Research Group:


Public procurement, practical, strategic, comprehensive and holistic public procurement, general principles of public procurement, socially responsible procurement, public procurement of innovation, electronic public procurement, global and comparative public procurement, sustainable development, public sector organization, European Union.

Brief description of the Group and Objectives:

The Comprehensive Strategic Public Procurement Research Group (GICPei) is constituted as a research platform that supports a new generation of scientific studies in the area of public procurement.


  • Create a vision of inclusive, transversal, sustainable, social and dynamic public procurement for society.
  • Transform and improve the practice of public procurement.
  • Contribute to innovation and the development of new public procurement models.
  • Encourage and enhance the improvement of results obtained through public procurement processes

Lines of research:

  • The application of new technologies in public procurement research.
  • Updating the personnel charts and management strategies for public procurement within public and private organizations.
  • Development of new didactic materials and training itineraries related to public procurement.
  • Preparation of working tools and practical management solutions that improve significatively public procurement results.


  • AA.VV. (dir. PINTOS SANTIAGO, Jaime), Planificación y racionalización de la compra pública (DUO), Editorial Aranzadi, Cizur Menor (Navarra), 2021, ISBN: 978-84-1345-848-9.
  • AA.VV. (dir. PINTOS SANTIAGO, Jaime), La implantación de la administración electrónica y la e-factura (2ª edición), Editorial El Consultor de los Ayuntamientos, Wolters Kluwer-La Ley, Madrid, 2020, 432 págs. ISBN: 978-84-7052-842-2. ISBN Digital: 978-84-7052-843-9.
  • AA.VV. (dir. PINTOS SANTIAGO, Jaime), Todo sobre el contrato menor (2ª Edición), Editorial El Consultor de los Ayuntamientos, Wolters Kluwer-La Ley, Madrid, 2020. ISBN: 978-84-7052-823-1. ISBN Digital: 978-84-7052-824-8.
  • AA.VV. (Director PINTOS SANTIAGO, JAIME), Calidad, transparencia y ética pública, Editorial INAP, Colección Monografías, Madrid, 2017, 278 págs.
  • PINTOS SANTIAGO, J., Vademécum práctico sobre Derecho de la Unión Europea, Colección Temas de Administración Local, Editorial CEMCI, Granada, 2018, 255 págs. ISBN: 978-84-16219-30-8.
  • AA.VV. (dir. PINTOS SANTIAGO, Jaime), Las consecuencias electrónicas de la nueva Ley de Contratos del Sector Público: código electrónico práctico de la Ley 9/2017, Editorial Punto Rojo Libros, Sevilla, 2018, 278 págs. ISBN 978-84-17365-07-3.
  • PINTOS SANTIAGO, Jaime, Los principios generales de desarrollo humano y sostenibilidad ambiental en la contratación pública, Editorial INAP, Colección Monografías, Madrid, 2017, 378 págs. ISBN: 9788473515818.
  • LOPEZ DONAIRE, M.Belén, Las cláusulas sociales en la contratación pública: especial referencia a la discapacidad, Revista Gabilex, número extraordinario, volumen I, año 2019.
  • MENDOZA JIMÉNEZ, Javier. Consideraciones sobre la nueva ley de contratos del sector público en la gestión de proyectos de desarrollo SW. Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Project Management and Engineering Málaga, 10th – 12th July 2019. pp. 1522 - 1534. 1/07/2019.
  • PALACÍN SÁENZ, Bernabé, “El nuevo presupuesto base de licitación”. El Consultor de los Ayuntamientos y de los Juzgados. Núm. 5/2018, Wolters Kluwer. ISSN 0210-2161.

Research projects:

Project name: The application of the new Law 9/2017 in the San Cristóbal de La Laguna City Council.
Degree of contribution: Coordinator of the total project, network or consortium.
No. of researchers: 3.
Start date: 05/07/2018 Duration: 6 months.

Project name: Study and drafting of the bills for the Implementation of the CPR principles.,,
Degree of contribution: Researcher.
No. of researchers: 2.
Funding entity / s: Commissioner for Social Inclusion and Fight against Poverty.
Type of entity: AAPP.
Funding entity city: Las Palmas de GC, Canary Islands, Spain.
Start date: 03/01/2017 Duration: 1 year.

Project name: Identification of environmental and social criteria for public procurement and procurement from the perspective of the UN SDGs.
Degree of contribution: Researcher.
No. of researchers: 1.
Financing entity / s: Cabildo de Tenerife.
Type of entity: AAPP.
Funding entity city: Las Palmas de GC, Canary Islands, Spain.
Start date: 10/10/2020 Duration: 1 year.

Project name: Training and progress in public procurement at the ICHH.
Degree of contribution: Researcher.
No. of researchers: 2.
Funding entity / s: Canarian Institute of Hemodonation and Hemotherapy.
Type of entity: PANAP.
Funding entity city: Las Palmas de GC, Canary Islands, Spain.
Start date: 10/10/2020 Duration: 1 year.

Project name: Bringing public procurement closer to citizens, accountability.
Degree of contribution: Researcher.
No. of researchers: 2.
Funding entity / s: Government of the Canary Islands.
Type of entity: AAPP.
Funding entity city: Las Palmas de GC, Canary Islands, Spain.
Start date: 12/1/2020 Duration: 3 months.

R&D contracts:

1. Name of the project: Development of a MOOC on public procurement.
Degree of contribution: Scientific coordinator
No. of researchers: 1
Start date: 05/01/2018 Duration: 5 months

2. Name of the project: Development of a MOOC on Social Enterprises.
Degree of contribution: Scientific coordinator
No. of researchers: 1
Start date: 12/28/2018 Duration: 4 months

3. Name of the project: Improve the skills of local organic fruit and vegetable producers to support the transition towards sustainability of public dining rooms in Madrid, Valencia and the Canary Islands.
Carrying out entity: ICCA Type of entity: Public entity
Realization entity city: Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
No. of researchers: 12
Name of the program: Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund-FEGA
Start-end date: 06/01/2020 - 12/31/2021 Duration: 1 year - 6 months

4. Name of the project: Socio-Labor Insertion Program aimed at women.
Entity of realization: Solidarity Trampoline Type of entity: Business Entity
Realization entity city: Tacoronte, Canary Islands, Spain
No. of researchers: 1
Start-end date: 09/01/2016 - 01/01/2017