Prueba de acceso al Máster en Formación del Profesorado: Especialidad Lengua Extranjera-Inglés

Los estudiantes que no se encuentren en posesión de los requisitos publicados en las vías ordinarias de acceso, pueden realizar una prueba específica organizada por la UDIMA. El estudiante podrá demostrar en ella las competencias básicas necesarias para acceder a la especialidad seleccionada del Máster.

La prueba, que se efectuará íntegramente en lengua inglesa, constará de los siguientes ejercicios:

  1. Gramática:
  • Un ejercicio en el que se resolverán cuestiones de uso de la lengua.
  • Un ejercicio de explicación de una cuestión gramatical de entre las que normalmente forman parte del temario de secundaria y bachillerato.
  1. Literatura:
  • Cuestionario de ocho preguntas tipo test sobre conocimientos literarios generales.
  • Desarrollo de dos preguntas (a elegir entre tres) sobre alguna obra o etapa literaria.
  1. Cultura general de los países de habla inglesa:
  • Cuestionario de ocho preguntas.
  • Desarrollo breve de dos preguntas (a elegir entre tres) sobre alguna cuestión de la cultura británica o estadounidemse.
  1. Comentario de texto de temática educativa en inglés.

A continuación se detalla el temario del que se extraerán los ejercicios de la prueba. La bibliografía indicada es meramente orientativa.


  1. The English Phonological System.
  2. Lexicon. Characteristics of Word Formation.
  3. The Concept of Grammar: Reflections on Language and Language Learning (Towards a Definition of Grammar, Some Misconceptions about Grammar, the Concept of Pedagogical Grammar, the Role of Grammar in Language Teaching, from Normative Grammar to Grammar according to Language Use and Communication)
  4. Auxiliary and Modal Verbs. Infinitive and -ing Forms. Multi-word verbs.
  5. The Expression of Quantity, Quality, Manner, Means, Instrument and Possession.
  6. The Expression of Location, Space and Time.
  7. Structure of the Sentence in English: Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative.
  8. The Expression of Cause, Reason and Result.
  9. The Expression of Doubt, Condition, Hypothesis and Contrast.
  10. The Passive voice.
  11. Direct and Indirect Speech.


Eastwood, J. (2009). Oxford Practice Grammar with Answers. OUP, Oxford
Murphy, R. (2010). English Grammar in Use: a Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students of English: with Answers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Swan, M. and Walter, C. (2002). How English Works. A Grammar Practice Book with Answers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


  1. Medieval literature: the Canterbury Tales
  2. Shakespeare's works: tragedies, comedies and history plays.
  3. Great Britain in the 18th century. Greatest novelists: Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, Jane Austen.
  4. Charles Dickens: historical novels, social novels, state-of-nation novel.
  5. Romanticism in British Literature. Main features.
  6. The Victorian novel. Main features.
  7. Contemporary literature: Anthony Burguess, Ian McEwan, William Golding.
  8. United States in the 19th century. 1st period. Greatest novelists: Nathaniel Hawthorne, Stephen Crane. 2nd period. The novel (Herman Melville), the tale (Edgar Allan Poe), poetry (Walt Whitman), humorism (Mark Twain)
  9. The Lost generation: F.S. Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway.
  10. American literature after WW2: Alice Walker, Arthur Miller, Paul Auster.


Sampson, G. (1970)  The concise Cambridge history of English literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
McEvoy, S. (2000).  Shakespeare. The Basics. New York: Routledge.
Rogers, P. (1997). The Oxford Illustrated History of English literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ward, A.W., Waller, A.R., Trent, W.P., Erskine, J., Sherman, S.P. and Van Doren, C. (2000).  Cambridge English and American Literature. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons
WALKER, M. (1983). The literature of the United States of America. London: MacMillan.


British Culture:

  1. The Industrial Revolution: its influence as a model of historic transformation, social and political changes, Charles Dickens.
  2. British institutions: Parliament, the government, the monarchy, political parties and electoral system.
  3. British geography and identity: the four nations, the Commonwealth, major cities, local languages.
  4. British traditions: eating habits, major sports, holidays and special occasions.
  5. Education: public vs. private, educational stages, exams and qualifications.

American Culture:

  1. The American Revolution: Declaration of Independence; American Constitution; Bill of Rights; social, political and intellectual transformations.
  2. American institutions: Federal, state and local government; the President; Congress; political parties and electoral system.
  3. American geography and identity: states and territories, the melting pot, geographical features, symbolism.
  4. American traditions: eating habits, major sports, holidays and special occasions.
  5. Education: educational stages, university life, exams and qualifications.


Morgan, K.O. (ed.) (2010). The Oxford History of Britain, revised edition. Oxford.
O'Meara, T. (2007). A Miscellany of Britain: People, places, history, culture, customs, sport. Arcturus.
Woodward, C. (2012). American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America. Penguin.
Burkett, C. (2012). 50 Core American Documents: Required Reading for Students, Teachers, and Citizens. Penguin.