(GI-23/11) Research Group in Applied Mathematics, Education, and its Social Dissemination (GAMEDU)

Knowledge area

Educational Sciences and Technical Sciences and Engineering (we have mentioned two because it is an interdisciplinary group)

Group Coordinator

Members of the Research Group

External collaborators part of the Research Group


Applied Mathematics, Mathematics Accessibility, Epistemology, Didactics, Mathematical Modeling, Social diffusion of mathematics.

Brief description of the group and objectives

This research group is established not only with the intention of proposing and solving several types of mathematical models, but also to make mathematics an accessible science to as many professionals as possible who have close contact with social sciences, natural sciences, education and the epistemology of mathematics itself as well as its didactics.

Since ancient times, mathematics has been regarded as the universal science and the fundamental and logical tool that allows us to approach reality in an organized and accessible manner to the human intellect. Its countless applications have been documented since ancient times. In ancient Egyptian times, the Rhind Papyrus, written around 1650 BCE, begins with the phrase: 'Exact calculation for the knowledge of all existing things and of all obscure secrets and mysteries.' From then until the present day, mathematics and its applications have been the essential driving force behind significant advances in science and engineering. These applications have become a central and classical axis of mathematical applications, sometimes deviating from the genuine generation of mathematical knowledge.

Currently, mathematics are no longer only used in the traditional fields of science and engineering, but their scope of application has extended to areas such as sociology, education, and politics. Modern data analysis techniques, advanced learning networks, and artificial intelligences allow us to discover new realities that previously remained hidden from researchers in the aforementioned areas. Additionally, since the mid-20th century, applications of continuous models (mainly differential equations) have been carried out to understand the evolution of social and economic agents. The research group is established with the intention of continuing to explore the aforementioned areas, and to do so using cutting-edge techniques employing statistics, data analysis, differential equations, and advanced learning networks. Moreover, the group has a comprehensive approach towards mathematics, focusing on the epistemological aspects of mathematics, specifically its didactics and subsequent social dissemination.

The mathematical revolution experienced in recent years has not always been accompanied by an appropriate dissemination plan, which is essential to make this science accessible to society. Promoting debate between mathematical theory and its dissemination achieves a more accessible and friendly science, ultimately more applicable to our environment. It is not only about disseminating traditional mathematics with well-known mathematical content, but about making current mathematics (and state-of-the-art) accessible to society and its educators. Thus, the aim is to provide a meeting point to introduce didactic methods that foster a spirit of reflection through a complete didactic transposition, free from prejudice and with wide degrees of freedom. This approach leads us to question whether there are still didactic methodologies to explore. In this way, the research group directly aligns with the objectives that society demands of the University as a space to produce new knowledge, but also to disseminate it, providing a service to the community that contributes to social well-being and citizens with broader and more complete perspectives of reality.

Lines of investigation

  • Applied Mathematics, Data Analysis, and Machine Learning in the Fields of Social Sciences, Education, Politics, and Sociology
  • Applied Mathematics, Differential and Difference Equations for Modeling in the Fields of Social Sciences, Education, Politics, and Sociology
  • Applied Mathematics, Data Analysis, and Machine Learning in the Fields of Natural Sciences and Engineering
  • Applied Mathematics, Differential and Difference Equations for Modeling in the Fields of Natural Sciences and Engineering
  • Didactic Epistemologies Applied to Mathematical Modeling in Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Engineering
  • Communication and Mathematics, Dissemination Plans for Students and Future Secondary School Mathematics Teachers
  • Social Communication of Science and Technology


  • José Luis Díaz Palencia; Julián Roa González; Isaac Seoane Pujol. 2022. Solutions and compatibility conditions for a model describing the interaction of gases in a fuel tank. Alexandria Engineering Journal. ElSevier.
  • Saeed Ur Rahman; José Luis Díaz Palencia; Nomaq Tariq; Pablo Salgado Sánchez; Julián Roa González. 2022. Global Existence of Bounded Solutions for Eyring–Powell Flow in a Semi-Infinite Rectangular Conduct. Axioms. MDPI
  • José Luis Díaz Palencia; Julián Roa González; Almudena Sánchez Sánchez. 2022. Study of Solutions for a Degenerate Reaction Equation with a High Order Operator and Advection. Mathematics. MDPI
  • José Luis Díaz; Saeed Rahman. 2022. Geometric Perturbation Theory and Travelling Waves profiles analysis in a Darcy–Forchheimer fluid model.  Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. Springer.
  • José Luis Díaz Palencia.  Analytical assessments to model a flame propagation with a porous medium equation.  Computational and Applied Mathematics. Springer.
  • Julián Roa González; José Luis Díaz Palencia; Almudena Sánchez Sánchez.  2023.  Estado de uso de metodologías activas en las aulas de matemáticas secundarias. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education. Hipatia Press.
  • Saeed Rahman; José Luis Díaz; Enrique Reyes.  2023.  Asymptotic solutions to an Eyring-Powell viscous flow with Darcy-Forchheimer non-linear reaction. Physica Scripta. IOP Publishing.
  • María Canosa; Almudena Sánchez; Julián Roa; José Luis Díaz. 2023. Use of Gamification to Approach the Algebraic Language and Equations in 1st Grade of Secondary Education. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice. 23-1.
  • José Luis Díaz; Saeed Rahman; Julián Roa; Abraham Otero. 2023. Regularity and solutions for flame modelling in porous medium. Results in Physics. El Sevier.
  • José Luis Díaz; Saeed Rahman. 2023. Analysis of travelling waves and propagating supports for a nonlinear model of flame propagation with a p-Laplacian operator and advection. Nonlinearity. IOP Publishing. 36-9.
  • Saeed Rahman; José Luis Díaz Palencia. 2023. Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures. Analysis and profiles of solution for a highly nonlinear model of pressure driven flame propagation in nonhomogeneous medium. Emerald.
  • Saeed Rahman; José Luis Díaz Palencia. 2023. Waves in Random and Complex Media. The propagation of a flame front with a p-Laplacian operator. Taylor & Francis.
  • Raúl López; Julián Roa González; José Luis Díaz Palencia.  Análisis de los cambios realizados en la metodología, los recursos y las programaciones usadas durante el periodo de confinamiento por COVID-19 en la provincia de Barcelona. II Congreso internacional de innovación en la docencia e investigación. 2022.
  • Julián Roa González; José Luis Díaz Palencia; Almudena Sánchez Sánchez; Ana Lejárraga. A study on the status of active pedagogical principles to the teaching and learning of mathematics in high schools.. II Congreso internacional de innovación en la docencia e investigación. 2022.
  • José Luis Díaz Palencia; Enrique Reyes. 2023. Physica Scripta. Analysis of a fire extinguishing model with a p-Laplacian operator and with non-linear advection and reaction. IOP Publishing.
  • Fernández-Chamorro, V.; Pérez-Fructuoso, M. J.; Pamplona, S. 2018. Análisis de los conocimientos previos de estadística y probabilidad en la asignatura de Estadística en los grados en Administración y Dirección de Empresa y Economía en una universidad online. En XXVI Jornadas de ASEPUMA y XIV Encuentro internacional, 7-8 de junio de 2018, Sevilla. Recuperado de http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12226/119
  • Fernández-Chamorro, V.; Pamplona, S.; Pérez-Fructuoso, M. J. 2018. Developing a Questionnaire to Assess Prior Knowledge of Basic Statistical Concepts in Students Following a Statistics Course as Part of an Engineering Degree At an Online University. In International Conference on Data Science, E-learning and Information Systems 2018 (Data’18), 1-2 de octubre de 2018, Madrid.
  • Fernández-Chamorro, V.; Pérez-Fructuoso, M. J.; Pamplona, S. 2019. Evaluación de los conocimientos previos de estadística en los estudiantes de educación superior. Estudio de caso para una universidad online. En XXVII Jornadas de ASEPUMA y XV Encuentro internacional, 20-21 de junio de 2019, Santander.
  • Fernández-Chamorro, V.; Pamplona, S.; Pérez-Fructuoso, M. J. 2020. Assessing prior knowledge of statistics in students attending an online university. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 32(1), 182-202. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12528-019-09236-9
  • Marta Botella; José Manuel Velasco; Almudena Sánchez Sánchez; Óscar Garnica; José Ignacio Hidalgo.  2023.  Evaluating the influence of sleep quality and auqntity con glycemic control in patients with DM1 using Machine Learning.  Frontiers in Endocrinology.  FRONTIERS MEDIA SA.  ---,  pp.1-25.  ISSN 1664-2392.  https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.07.20.22277229
  • Enrique Sánchez Sánchez; Jean-Baptiste Paul Harguindéguy; Almudena Sánchez Sánchez; Alistair Cole. 2022. Comparing Independence Referendums: Why do Some States Accept Them While Others do not?. Geopolitics. Taylor & Francis Online. pp.1-24. ISSN 1557-3028.  https://doi.org/10.1080/14650045.2022.2082960
  • Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy; Cristina Fernández Rivera; Juan Rodríguez Teruel; Almudena Sánchez Sánchez.  2022.  The Territorial Dimension of Ministerial Selection in Spain: Constrained Consociationalism under Majoritarian Cabinets. Ethnopolitics. Taylor & Francis Online. 22-3, pp.315-334. ISSN 1744-9057. WOS (1) https://doi.org/10.1080/17449057.2022.2031511
  • Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy; Enrique Sánchez Sánchez; Almudena Sánchez Sánchez; Alistair Cole. 2022. The rise of research on independence referendums.  International Political Science Review.  SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD.  —  pp.1-17. ISSN 0192-5121. Altmetric (3) https://doi.org/10.1177/01925121211060651
  • Roa González, J; Sánchez Sánchez, A; Sánchez Sánchez, N; Basilotta Gómez-Pablos, V.  2022.  Uso de la Gamificación como metodología activa en la Educación secundaria española durante la pandemia por COVID-19.  REIDOCREA.  Universidad de Granada.  11-10,  pp.105-119.  ISSN 2254-5883.  https://doi.org/10.30827/Digibug.72542
  • Jean Baptiste Paul Harguindeguy; Cristina Fernández Rivera; Almudena Sánchez Sánchez.  2021.  So close yet so far. Intergovernmental tensions in Spain.  Regional Studies (CRES).  Taylor & Francis Production.  1,  pp.894-906.  ISSN 1360-0591. Google Scholar (4) https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2020.1813882
  • Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy; Enrique Sánchez Sánchez; Almudena Sánchez Sánchez.  2021.  Why do central states accept holding independence referendums? Analyzing the role of state peripheries.  Electoral Studies.  ELSEVIER SCI LTD.  69,  pp.1-8.  ISSN 0261-3794.  WOS (4), Google Scholar (2) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electstud.2020.102248
  • Roa González, J; Sánchez Sánchez, A.; Sánchez Sánchez, N.2021.  Evaluación de la implantación de la Gamificación como metodología activa en la Educación Secundaria
    española. REIDOCREA. Universidad de Granada. 10-12, pp.1-9. ISSN 2254-5883. Google
    Scholar (5) https://doi.org/10.30827/Digibug.66357
  • Emilio Rodríguez López; Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy; Almudena Sánchez Sánchez. 2018. The perfect storm? How to explain the rise of intergovernmental conflicts in Spain? (1984–2014).  Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. Taylor and Francis Ltd. 32-2, pp.211-230. ISSN 1351-1610. WOS (3), Google Scholar (7) https://doi.org/10.1080/13511610.2018.1520628
  • Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy; Emilio Rodríguez-López; Almudena Sánchez.  2017.  Los conflictos intergubernamentales entre España y Cataluña [Inter-Governmental Conflicts between Spain and Catalonia].  Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. 158, pp.79-96. ISSN 0210-5233. WOS (6), Google Scholar (6) https://doi.org/10.5477/cis/reis.158.79

Research projects

Some of the group members have worked together on the following projects:

  • Comprehensive Plan for Dissemination and Research of Active Methodologies (2022-23). Universidad a Distancia de Madrid.
  • Comprehensive Plan for the Evaluation of Educational Innovation (PIEIE) (2021-22). Universidad a Distancia de Madrid.
  • Researcher Enrique G. Reyes has worked on the project FONDECYT grant #1201894: "Geometry of differential equations, global analysis and some analytic aspects of integrable systems", which has resulted in scientific articles with researchers Saeed ur Rahman and José Luis Díaz.